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  1. r3volution

    Phobia of Pickles

    Stupid. Maybe she was raped by a pickle.
  2. r3volution


    Snapping to a person's head while they are in view is just good wrist flicking. Even if the guy turned a full 180 and still managed a headshot it still doesn't mean they are aimbotting. Now, if this happens every single time, and his crosshairs follow a player that isn't visible, then we might...
  3. r3volution


    I might be wrong, but I don't think aimbot changes the flight of the bullet (I'm not even sure if CSS even models a bullet). Unless you see his/her view snap to the enemy head when it was originally out of view, then I doubt you can pin him/her down for hacking.
  4. r3volution

    Battlefield:Bad Company 2 - TONIGHT!

    Sweet! I'll be 7:30ish.
  5. r3volution

    Jamaica!!!!!! :D

    Have fun! Make sure to get some exotic cum in your ass.
  6. r3volution

    Requested by 47...

    ur pore
  7. r3volution

    Scrim tournament thread#2 (day/date ideas?)

    I can't do Sunday afternoon. Saturday evening doesn't work for you guys?
  8. r3volution

    some fag that wants membership.

    +1 But wait, if you've been playing cs for that long and you're only 13...when did you start playing cs?
  9. r3volution

    Scrim Tournament

    I like. Let's get this thing going!
  10. r3volution

    contra on the half life 2 engine..

    Oh man. I haven't played that in so many years. Used to play it on my NES :D
  11. r3volution


    +1 for Alpha Ape
  12. r3volution

    Joining Teams

    I also would prefer if Auto-Join wasn't forced. The teams never could be too unbalanced (by numbers) and this does not give us the option to move to the team that is struggling in an attempt to balance.
  13. r3volution

    Too poor to Buy TF2??

    or play Battlefield Heroes. Not quite as good, but has a similar feel to it.
  14. r3volution

    BF: BC2 for $19.95 USD

    Cool. Just got myself a copy. Thanks!
  15. r3volution


    This is old news, the update has already been rolled out in mid February. The update only runs every 90 days and it doesn't do much except activate your OS again. I don't see why this is causing as much fuss as it is. I've never heard of the second update. Can you find me a link?
  16. r3volution

    The Handsome Men's Club

    Haha. Watched it last night :P I don't get why Matt Damon had to laugh like that.
  17. r3volution

    [poll] de__3rd Street

    Sweet. Never played this map before, but it sounds like fun. Thanks for doing this bj!