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    Team-killing punishment

    Sorry for your unhappiness man, shrug it off and come back another night.
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    Question #1 Really think bout it!

    Just pretend to be all pissed because he slept with your wife.
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    Hey man, welcome to the forums! Glad you found us.
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    egon is not in the rotation, nor has it been for a few months
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    Scrim Server Rotation

    AWPs and Autos are on by default. Atleast one awp map is on there, whether or not its on the rotation I cannot say.
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    [moved] Scrim Server?

    Sorry Mr.Freeze! I set you up for failure on that one! haha. Steam friends being down was ballsacks. Here's the deal. By User Name, click the arrow and click new and select your name. By server click the arrow then click new, then next to hostname enter: and next to port...
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    MAPS! lets get organized

    Oh, and we scrimmed kismayo last night and it was a blast! It's large but with the bomb sites so close together it's reasonable to defend. I'm surprised how well it went.
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    Racial slur names

    hahaha, that's awesome
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    Before Spinny played hockey, he was into...

    Narf is going to have virus's out the ass from all the gay porn websites he's going to looking for this stuff.
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    Racial slur names

    God I love this community.
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    Racial slur names

    Yeah, def. a racial slur. Don't take .44's word for anything, he grew up in a shipping container.
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    Just simply Frustrated

    Give up the chew bro, shit is whack. We all have bad nights, that's half of whats so addicting. You'll have a rockin night soon and it'll just feel that much better because of this shitty night.
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    CSS Server down

    Propaganda CS outage is a valve issue, bastardized a workaround until they fix it. Server back up. 02 Feb : 12:31
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    Issues with Scrim Server

    No rush, but here are some nit-picking things about the scrim server: You're able to use your spray You're kicked for AFK You're kicked for team killing Some weapons are auto-disabled. Round times for tourney configs should be more like 1:45 or 1:30. Seems to be all I can think of...