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  1. BIOP

    Go Leafs Go!

    I think the leafs will coming out flying and finally win one at home. Game 7 will be a different story though.
  2. BIOP

    $950 start money

    P250 and kevlar!
  3. BIOP

    AVS win first round pick in NHL!

    Colorado fucked thier team up when they traded stewart, shattenkirk, and anderson.
  4. BIOP

    DENIED Please unban Fyre!

    In my eyes camping the white truck in the T spawn is camping spawn. The spawn area in some maps is not limited to the buyzone. You never did camp the whole round, you would camp it for the first 45 seconds or so, slowly move up and camp the entrance to hut for the next 45 seconds, while your...
  5. BIOP

    Game of Thrones [SPOILERS]

    I cant wait for episode 4. That trailer looks good.
  6. BIOP

    Game of Thrones [SPOILERS]

  7. BIOP

    Diablo 3

    Monster Power, makes the game harder
  8. BIOP

    Diablo 3

    I'd think about playing again for some key/ hellfire ring runs. I run MP5 with my wiz.
  9. BIOP

    Diablo 3

    True, but I played LoD before botting and duping got huge. You still had to play hardcore to get good, but it was doable. Now without paying real money, its ridiculous. I would have hated LoD at that point too.
  10. BIOP

    Diablo 3

    I played it for a while. I liked it up until the point where you either had to spend hundreds of hours or spend real money to make your character better. The real money AH ruins the game IMO. Gold is so undervalued due to the RMAH and gold botters. It's annoying trying to play legit.
  11. BIOP

    AIDS Peace out faggots

    This is why we don't won't chidlren as admins. They all eventually throw fits just like this baorite.
  12. BIOP

    Game of Thrones [SPOILERS]

    Ohhh a popup book, my favourite.
  13. BIOP

    Game of Thrones [SPOILERS]

    I read at a 5th grade level!
  14. BIOP

    Game of Thrones [SPOILERS]

    haha I know. Aslong as it's about what already happened. I stayed out of this thread before I watched the episode because I assumed there would be spoilers of the episode. Then theres talk of the 5th book!
  15. BIOP

    Game of Thrones [SPOILERS]

    You gave plotlines of the future books. I watch the show and read the books at the same pace.
  16. BIOP

    Game of Thrones [SPOILERS]

    So is this thread to talk about the recent episode. Our spoil the later books. Fuck you dat guy, mark your spoilers for shit that has happenef yet. Anyways im pumped selmy returned!
  17. BIOP

    2013 Toronto Blue Jays thread

    Spring means nothing, it's the farm teams playing one another.