Search results

  1. BIOP

    CS:GO New TD Server

    Whatever you did, it worked. The lag spikes are gone. The server is way better now. People always complaing about "reg", no matter what you do.
  2. BIOP

    DENIED TD| Membership Application: ShootToMaim™

    Lets make shoot2maim a member already.
  3. BIOP

    Please Move to Chicago...

    Can the Toronto server redirect you to the Chicago server when you connect?
  4. BIOP

    The historical TD members list.

    Aeq started the original td did he not?
  5. BIOP

    The historical TD members list.

    Don't forget about AEQ. Aequistius or however it was spelled. I remember him when I was the microphoneless noob sconer33. Who was that pink elephant guy? His spray was a pink elephant.
  6. BIOP

    Ban Requests - TKs

    Were they on purpose? Explain the background of what happened. Accidents do happen.
  7. BIOP

    New map

    Could we get de_bagra_rc1 put on the server? It's a nice map. Here's the link: Thanks
  8. BIOP

    Server needs update

    If I choose to play CSGO, that's my choice. Just like if you choose to play TF2, that's your choice. I called it ignorant since you were calling me out on a game when you have been in the same shoes yourself. But anyway I should have explained it like this from the beginning. I truly am sorry...
  9. BIOP

    Server needs update

    Thanks for updating server SJ.
  10. BIOP

    Server needs update

    It's all bots in the server? You are not even there.
  11. BIOP

    Server needs update

    Hey fellas. Steam is gay and released an update at 10PM apparently. Server needs update whenever you get time. Thanks
  12. BIOP


    I banned you. The guy would have successfully defused. Even if he wouldnt have, I have never seen you in the server before. You connect for the first time and Team kill the defuser. You were acting like you were in the server strictly to troll. I will unban you since hotshot has vouched for you...
  13. BIOP

    UNBANNED Ban Appeal for pwnerrr / pwnerdizzle

    pwnerrr can't get his forum account activated so I am posting this for him. Name When Banned: pwnerrr #stiffarm Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:7288726 Game: CS: GO Server: Toronto Darkly | NO AWP/AUTO + FF ON | Ban Reason: 'Aimbot' Banning Admin: 47 State your case: I'm not sure who the...
  14. BIOP

    Server needs update, Brains needs killing

    There was an update again, server is not joinable. Thanks
  15. BIOP

    REVISED Unban Please

    I am the admin that banned you. You are right, you got banned for constantly berating others. You have been banned for this before. Trash talk and poking at people in jest is one thing, but you seem like you are just out to piss people off. And you are doing well at pissing people off, you...
  16. BIOP

    Healthy Breakfasts

    3 espressos! Holy moly, I get mad jitters after one espresso.