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  1. P

    This Months Donators

    omission- very sweet gesture HIGH FIVE! (id be broke if i did that) (and 35mm would be credited with supporting TD for thousands of dollars.
  2. P

    Happy Easter

    happy Easter guys!
  3. P


    happy bday bro!!!
  4. P

    Epic Picture Thread

    phahahahahah vinny that bitch on the treadmill!!!! that was pretty funny
  5. P

    banned! TD|OG buckshot

    whether he is joking or not i am waiting for this to happen with 47 LOL EDIT: this is fucking pyro, not pyroette
  6. P

    My radio voice :)

    alright im listening and typing my thoughts as they happen who is this guy hosting with all the uhms? good voice brutal technique. he would do a lot better if he scripted his interviews. when do u come in? are u greg? he has some good points-the audio off the phone is a little distracting...
  7. P

    My radio voice :)

    hey Greg If your serious about being on the radio pm i can help you out.
  8. P

    Students of TD!!

    Finishing up year 2 of radio broadcasting at Algonquin College. Now I start looking for a REAL on air job. or a production gig...who knows?
  9. P

    Official Video Thread

    also... shotgun jesus remix?? ^^^^^theres a facebook group for this. LOL
  10. P

    Official Video Thread

    PHAHAHAHAh batman remix freak out....sounds pretty great.
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    3rd Street

    you must be kidding! 3rd street rocks.
  12. P

    LOL, this is hard

    15 the first time ladies. lol i was impressed by the real video tho he dodged those shoes like a pro!
  13. P

    The "What did you get for Christmas?" thread

    I got a Ripstik board!!!!! and clothes and a duvet cover and a digital camera and a bunch of girly bath products but a f-ing ripstik board!!!
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    4 month old son and wife Samba!!!

    lol spinny! yeah tho props on the fit wife propaganda that soon after a baby!!! shes a keeper! The little mans a cutie.
  15. P

    Darkly's Elves - MUST SEE!

    LMAO u guys are priceless Narf man hahaha elf suits ya
  16. P


    .218 cant get below that though. how do u hack a reflex game?>
  17. P

    Funny Presents Narf Will Receive On His Birthday (TODAY!!!)

    no whats awkward is that youre drawing such detailed sausages
  18. P

    Epic Picture Thread

    phahahahaha top shelf
  19. P

    The Official "Your Ugly Mug" Thread
