Search results

  1. Antimoon

    DENIED kandi TF2 staff application

    In terms of raw server presence, the best Darkly has to offer. Also, a super nice person and someone I've known long enough to trust.
  2. Antimoon

    DENIED Jerk's Staff Application <3

    It's Jerk! To be honest, I think you like the idea of being staff more than you'd like being staff. You're a cool guy, and I enjoy playing video games with you, but I'll second some of what's been mentioned here and say that I've seen you go a bit... overboard, sometimes. If you want the...
  3. Antimoon

    ACCEPTED Keskele's App.

    Keskele's older than me? Whaaaaaaat! But seriously, I think Kesk would be a valuable addition to the team, I've already asked him to observe some people whom I've thought were fishy but would have stopped being fishy if I had gone spectator. I can always trust that he'll get staff onto a...
  4. Antimoon

    Fun Loadouts

    The only loadout that matters: Loose Cannon Tide Turner Ullapool Caber Bonus points if the caber is on test run from the store.
  5. Antimoon


    This thread should be merged with the ban request I posted here:
  6. Antimoon

    Atomic Pepsi, Spycrab Runner

    | steamname: Atomic Pepsi | steam3ID: [U:1:124466660] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:62233330 | steamID64: | customURL: | steamrep: Ran from a spycrab for 3.32 ref in items, demo recorded and will be...
  7. Antimoon

    BANNED TubbyEngineer, Spycrab Runner

    | steamname: TubbyEngineer (Scrap 2 Unusual) | steam3ID: [U:1:183204947] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:91602473 | steamID64: | customURL: | steamrep: Was spycrabbing for a while on the server, lost a...
  8. Antimoon

    BANNED MyNameIsNotLiam

    | steamname: MyNameIsNotLiam | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:29311416 | steamID64: | customURL: | steamrep: I joined #5 today to hear this gentleman talking about somebody using the "Force of Faggots."...
  9. Antimoon

    ACCEPTED Admin/Moderator Application

    I concur with 14bux, Cheese is on #1 more than I am, which is a little scary.
  10. Antimoon


    An update on this, the fellow joined server 5 while I was on it later, trying to pull the same stunt. he had changed his name and profile pic, but his voice was familiar, and I checked his steam ID to verify that it was the same fellow. I gave him a half-hour temp ban, but who knows if that'll...
  11. Antimoon


    Aaaaand the demo:
  12. Antimoon


    Screenshot of victim's trade history:
  13. Antimoon


    Scammer: | steamname: Panguinix | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:53425653 | steamID64: | customURL: | steamrep: Victim: | steamname: -[FF]- Kenny Shrooms | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:42753770 | steamID64...
  14. Antimoon

    DENIED TF2 Moderator application - FunkyGlassCannon

    Odds are your hours got lost when the old Chicago servers, among others, went the way of the dodo. I had the same issue when I applied for mod; I knew I had several hundred hours on darkly servers, over the course of my trading career, but the GameMe stats had me at a little over 3 days. Are...
  15. Antimoon

    ACCEPTED TF2 Moderator App: Doublejumper

    I definitely approve of doublejumper. He's often very helpful in the server, watching over spycrabs and whatnot. I haven't heard your mic yet, DJ, you should use it more when I'm on, that we may converse. Also, It would probably be to your benefit to play on some of our other servers. I know...
  16. Antimoon

    BANNED Spycrab Runner: Nuclear Winter

    Well, here's the link to it, in that case: I suppose I can always make another free account if need be. The part in question should be at about 2/3 - 3/4 of the way through the demo, I haven't gone through it to find the exact...
  17. Antimoon

    Stupidity in TF2

  18. Antimoon

    Hey Im New! Any tips?

    Shoot them in their heads until they die. Words to live by.
  19. Antimoon

    BANNED DARKLY | Rautasopuli []

    I'm glad that this is finally being addressed. Tick Tock Man had mentioned that he was taking donations to me the other day, and I've been keeping an eye out. Raut (and his clique of friends that he has brought to the server) are people that I've been wary of ever since I first checked his...