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  1. Tick Tock Man

    DENIED bun appeal

    I don't see a local ban on your account - your issue seems to be with SteamRep and Skial.
  2. Tick Tock Man

    DENIED Banned for killing?

    Wow - really? So when you were warned by admins repeatedly, respawned, swapped to the other team and disarmed - you still thought it was okay to ignore it all and do what you wanted anyway? You were invited to participate, asked not to attack - and you ignored a whole series of actions that...
  3. Tick Tock Man

    DENIED Church of KFC'S Staff Application

    Let me just say this - if you want to know who's advice to take to heart, remember who it is that approves admin apps..... Not to say that regular players might not have something beneficial to add, but at the end of the day the Staff at large accept or reject apps based on how well they fit...
  4. Tick Tock Man

    ACCEPTED Nanoactive's Application

    I had some concerns about Nano after the perms bit last year, however... He did not lie or try to dodge responsibility He readily accepted the punishment for it with no complaints He did remain active and his conduct has been exemplary since I have to respect the way he handled that and how...
  5. Tick Tock Man

    DENIED LiquidSoup's Admin/Mod Application

    So... LiquidSoup - a couple of things - first you need the requisite time on the servers, and you need to be more active on forums. I am going to deny your app for now - however when you have met the 2 above-stated requirements I encourage you to re-apply.
  6. Tick Tock Man

    DENIED Ripper's Mod/Admin Application~

    So for now Ripper, I am going to have to deny this app.... You can re-apply in a couple of months and we can revisit the issue then - in the meanwhile, don't do anything to jeopardize your chances....
  7. Tick Tock Man

    Nihil sunt omnia, quae nihil est

    Nihil sunt omnia, quae nihil est
  8. Tick Tock Man

    I'm new to the forums! Hello!

    Ever hear of heart disease?
  9. Tick Tock Man

    Epic Picture Thread

  10. Tick Tock Man

    Dealing with Spam on the Forums

    If I may suggest... I found an extremely handy method for sorting the bots from people on my old forums - I created a text box and text that was invisible to the naked eye (text/line colors same as background - saying "what's 2+2") - the spam-bots do not require a different color to be able to...
  11. Tick Tock Man

    DENIED HD PIZZAS Admin/Mod Application!

    I think he's a spy - nobody who plays on 4 can form complete, coherent sentences..... Seriously though, thanks for applying Pizzas! We have a process 'round these parts - once you put in your app, our Staff members will keep an eye open for you, but it sure wouldn't hurt to seek out and...
  12. Tick Tock Man

    Epic Picture Thread

    This is what happens when noobs wander into the TD section...
  13. Tick Tock Man

    Anything worth doing is worth doing right.......unless you can afford to pay someone else to do...

    Anything worth doing is worth doing right.......unless you can afford to pay someone else to do it right while you drink.
  14. Tick Tock Man

    BANNED They're not even trying: Bombicon-Brokering

    I banned him in-game. It it isn't showing up then will repeat the process via SB.
  15. Tick Tock Man

    DENIED Pepper Jacks ban appeal

    @Fiend was the banning admin - you will have to wait for him to address your appeal.