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  1. zackychuu

    Help, my thread is locked

    I can get to it just fine, are you one of the ones that asked for themselves to be banned from the TF2 forums?
  2. zackychuu

    Help, my thread is locked

    Usually people stock up on a few popular games during sales, wait a few months and sell them off for cheaper than the store does, but more than they paid.
  3. zackychuu

    Chrome Extensions

    There's always the "Hide this users signature" option.
  4. zackychuu

    DENIED Innapropriet language: PTL Dmo

    "using homophobic slurs/remarks consistently" suggests a lot more than 3 cases of the word "fag" being used. Personally I'm not going to bother with this case, but I'm quite happy to let someone else issue a ban if they feel 3 uses of fag is enough to warrant a ban. On my part though, I am...
  5. zackychuu

    Anybody play table tennis? (ping-pong)

    I used to be great at Table Tennis back when I was about 11-13. We got some tables set up in the playground of my old school back then and I used to play a lot, I was one of the best in the school. Haven't played for years but the temptation is always there whenever I see a table somewhere.
  6. zackychuu

    DENIED Ripper's Mod/Admin Application~

    I can't seem to recall why but I have always kept a close eye on you whenever I saw your name pop up on the servers when I was still active. You must have done something enough times for your name to stick in my mind for well over a year. It's a no from me based on that fact, accompanied by your...
  7. zackychuu

    Broken modifications?

    My ears are burning.
  8. zackychuu

    I am returning!

    Who is this gu-- I mean Hey bro! Welcome back ;)
  9. zackychuu

    New server feedback thread

    > Means implying, filthy habit from reading too much /b/
  10. zackychuu

    New server feedback thread

    >Chateau wasn't a legit suggestion. I love that map.
  11. zackychuu


    Maybe, but theres no point in playing games.
  12. zackychuu

    New server feedback thread
