Search results

  1. Gatherix

    Remove auto-select feature

    Just for the record, it's possible to make autojoin account for more than just team player count, like wins and kills and stuff.
  2. Gatherix

    DENIED Ban Request Admag

    Copy/pasted text isn't evidence. Do you have any screenshots?
  3. Gatherix

    DENIED Ghora | mod/ admin application for darkly server #1

    Anyone can reapply, that's fine. Just understand that by doing so an applicant is expressing confidence that he/she has improved, changed, or is otherwise better optimized than before. And if that ends up not being the case as we evaluate him/her, the applicant's character and image are damaged...
  4. Gatherix

    Official - Post Your Gaming Setup / Rig

    Finally complete. Had a lot of fun with this build, particularly with the processor and hitting a stable, cool 40% overclock. First time using Linux as a primary OS too - haven't even touched Windows yet. Budget specs, sure, but it does everything I want it to, runs super quiet/cool, really low...
  5. Gatherix

    New Gaming Computer Thoughts

    ..and to add to that, if you're looking for 'budget' builds (like the $600 one you linked to from Walmart), generally the better they look, the more crap they actually are. A flashy-looking case like the one you linked to would cost more than a less interesting case, which for cheaper pre-built...
  6. Gatherix

    New Gaming Computer Thoughts

    Building a computer is indeed beneficial, Sir X, and I'd very much recommend you do so. But simply put, if you're not comfortable doing it, you shouldn't. If you tell people you're getting a new computer and ask if you should build or not, there's going to be a fine line between "Yes" and "No"...
  7. Gatherix

    DENIED Mic Spamming

    I'll deny this report, seeing as there's nothing for me to go on and little backing either of your claims. Thanks for the report though, HeyLookIt'sDaniel
  8. Gatherix

    DENIED Mic Spamming

    Sorry, I'm confused - The first video shows a user already banned, and the second shows RYRK's micspam? Maybe I'm missing something, but I don't see anything incriminating of in either video.
  9. Gatherix

    DENIED Ban Appeal

    Jimmeh, jakksilves will handle your appeal. Please be patient and await a post from him. As for his 'delay' in responding to your appeal, this is the first appeal you have filed; disputing your ban in the ban report is not accepted as a legitimate appeal. AZIMAGE,please do not post in SteamRep...
  10. Gatherix

    Man dies after being put in a choke hold by cop for trying to end a fight

    As Cmp said, you tend to only about the extremes, in either direction. Police abuse, accidental or intentional, has always been an issue, but police absence would arguably be a bigger issue. Claiming a fact is true of the whole on the premise that it's true of a component of said whole is a...
  11. Gatherix

    Server Suggestions

    That's a stats plugin. Most TF2 servers use HlStatsX or whatever because it's free (I think), but we use Game.ME for both TD and TF2. We have it set to not output all that stuff to the chat on TF2 since it spams the chatbox (instant respawn?) and makes talking/trading via chat pretty difficult...
  12. Gatherix

    TF2 Cosmetics Thread

  13. Gatherix

    does gaming REALLY increase intelligence?

    Dat sig
  14. Gatherix

    Key Loan?

    It's 'reliability' isn't affected by the product your offering as risk. Steam Profile rep isn't valued because it's incredibly easy to farm/falsify, because there's no regulation over it (which arguably is what forms the fundamental value of any rep), and because negative rep can be deleted by...
  15. Gatherix

    Key Loan?

    Well, that's the only rep I saw. I'd expect at least a couple pages of SourceOP or something.
  16. Gatherix

    Key Loan?

    Steam Profile "+rep" isn't valued rep, mate.