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  1. Mastersage

    Steam is turning into Pokemon.

    Haha, the way you put it makes it sound like Valve is doing this to hopefully get those "achievement whores" to purchase the games to get those cards =P.
  2. Mastersage

    Steam is turning into Pokemon.

    I, personally, don't like the steam cards. Plus, I don't get what is with the hype of having a high steam level thingy . I rarely even look at steam profiles, but hey, if people want to give me metal for it, sure! Hahah.
  3. Mastersage

    ACCEPTED [TF2] Moderator Application: Mastersage

    Ah! I finally got my account back! I haven't been active in the forums at all, my goodness! I'll have to start becoming active on the forums!
  4. Mastersage

    Inquiring about current status

    Haha, well I apologize for not suddenly quiting. I'll definitely be on the servers frequently starting this week. Thanks for the quick reply!
  5. Mastersage

    Inquiring about current status

    It's been a long time since I've actually touched TF2. During my long rest, I contemplated about whether to pick the game back up again. I've decided to do so, and I'm interested about my status of being a admin on TF2 Trade Servers. I use to be a admin on two main servers until I quit. But what...
  6. Mastersage

    It's Nice to Meet Everyone!

    I'd like to start by saying that I recently joined the DARKLY community, but I do plan to be very active in the community! My name is Emmanuel and I am 24 years old. I actually started playing Team Fortress 2 about a week before TF2 became free. This made me quite furious, until I found out...
  7. Mastersage

    [APPROVED] Mastersage [TRADE ADMIN] Application

    Game Handle(s): DARKLY Mastersage SteamID: Previous Clan/Community affiliations: Real First Name: Emmanuel Age: 24 Years Old Location: Edmonton, AB, Canada Which DARKLY TF2 servers do you play on: DARKLY l Chicago TF2 Trade Server #1...