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  1. Mastersage

    DENIED Moderator - Application

    I think this is the first time ever where I've pooped my pants from laughter....Is that weird?
  2. Mastersage

    And so it begins...

    These crates BETTER be worth it. I'm expecting them to be amazing because of all this hype through these claim checks. I've got like 10, and it would be awesome if the demand is so high that it's like 1 reclaimed or more!
  3. Mastersage

    National Security Agency has backdoor access to all Windows software since the release of Windows 95

    Man. That's actually frightening. It's like the USA and maybe Canada(haven't heard of anything yet) is slowly becoming the idea of which George Orwell envisioned in his 1984 book(Great read! Definitely check it out if you haven't!).
  4. Mastersage

    Is Edward Snowden a Traitor or a Whistleblower?

    I guess you're right. However, isn't the government elected BY the people? If the people's opinion no longer matters, is it really a free country then?
  5. Mastersage

    Is Edward Snowden a Traitor or a Whistleblower?

    Definitely, he is both.The public consensus needs to be taken into what should be done to Snowden. A lot of people consider him a hero, but also a criminal for what he has done.
  6. Mastersage

    Is Edward Snowden a Traitor or a Whistleblower?

    Personally, I think that the public needs to know that the government is doing a mass surveillance. While I understand that in order for there to be security in people's lives, you need to give up some freedoms. However, the programs that Snowden leaked proved to be in secret, and thus people...
  7. Mastersage

    Hello from aR

    What up! Welcome to Darkly! Hope you enjoy your stay! <3
  8. Mastersage

    Alienware or Custom Build?

    Hahah, I LOVE how off topic we are from the initial thread. Haha! I'll be honest, I hate Apple just cause. Haha, you can call me a hater I suppose! But I feel like Samsung does a better job with their products are a reasonable price. ANYWAYS! BACK ON TOPIC! Definitely get it custom built...
  9. Mastersage

    Alienware or Custom Build?

    Haha, I have no doubt. Personally, I'll stick with my S3 though. It only came out less than a year ago, and it's WAY too early to upgrade! Maybe in the near future. I'm hoping when the S5(If thats what it's called) comes out, it will be radically different from the other models in ways we...
  10. Mastersage

    Why Are Things Creepy?

    Really? But this isn't a talk show to be honest. It's more of a explanation of stuff rather that just sitting on a table and talk to you. It's an interesting video! Don't judge it too fast =P.
  11. Mastersage

    Alienware or Custom Build?

    Heck ya! I stick with my Samsung <3! Apple is nice in all, but I'll pass on dropping like $500 for a phone that is basically the same but just slightly bigger =P.
  12. Mastersage

    Why Are Things Creepy?

    I just watched and this really explains why we get such weird fears! I had to share this with you guys, and give me your two cents on the feelings that you get when you watch the stuff that Vsauce shows you!
  13. Mastersage

    Alienware or Custom Build?

    Good points. I'll admit that Apple definitely was quite innovated with their products. However, I feel like they continue to repackage the same product but with some additional bells and whistles.
  14. Mastersage

    Alienware or Custom Build?

    Haha, you're totally right! What's your opinion on Macs though. Personally, they are just glorified pieces of crap painted white with crap specs and an expensive price tag.
  15. Mastersage

    Alienware or Custom Build?

    Custom built is always cheaper. I'd definitely research or maybe find someone who can build/make it for you and you pay them plus a fee for their services. Alienware is nice, but it's for people without the knowledge to build one yourself.
  16. Mastersage

    Hey there

    Hiya! Welcome to the Darkly Community!
  17. Mastersage

    Steam is turning into Pokemon.

    Haha! I use to be such an achievement whore when I was playing on my 360. It would be like my goal to get every achievement before I move/buy another game. Rage Quit reminds me of when I rage when I have such hard achievements! Haha, thanks for the video!
  18. Mastersage

    Admin/Mod Recruitment Suggestion?

    Haha, I'm not new, neither am I active on the forums! So, just like how Zacky said, I just definitely need to be more way more active in the community =D.
  19. Mastersage

    Steam is turning into Pokemon.

    Haha, I'm not! I don't see all the hype for these cards. I don't plan to dive into the card trading business any time soon! =P But definitely kudos to Valve for this tactic !
  20. Mastersage

    Admin/Mod Recruitment Suggestion?

    I use to be an admin for the trade servers, and I was actually never really active on the forums. I'll admit that I just never really liked being on the forums, but I can totally understand the importance of how active moderators/admins take a role within the community. I just recently applied...