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  1. hadriel

    *2/10/12 Scrim Tournament* Setup

    posted this in the other thread, but it's more appropriate here: We had a quick question on the format, is it pool play or a bracket? And if bracket, single or double elim? I'm also assuming we're going to get more precise times for games as this approaches. My team is good for the...
  2. hadriel

    *New* Scrim Tourney thread

    That's pushh from my list. Hoping to have the other 3 respond by tonight.
  3. hadriel

    *New* Scrim Tourney thread

    Fair enough, I'll let them know. We had a quick question on the format as well, is it pool play or a bracket? And if bracket, single or double elim? I'm also assuming we're going to get more precise times for games as this approaches. My team is good for the weekend, but they can't spend...
  4. hadriel

    Cowan Online Tourney #2

    We have confirmation on the prize pool: Total of $50 in gift cards from the WLU CSL team 1st place in the diamond+ bracket gets a $30 gift card of the player's choosing 2nd place in the diamond+ bracket gets a $10 gift card of the player's choosing 1st place in the plat and below bracket...
  5. hadriel

    Memory Problems

    I'm not incredibly familiar with Intel boards, but I've actually heard of this or something similar in the past.. Intel boards are kind of tricky and the 1600mhz speed on memory is kind of a lie..the reality is that only XMP compatable memory is capable of running at 1600. You can read more...
  6. hadriel

    *POST YOUR TEAMS* Scrim Tourney

    Rock Out With Your Glock Out hadriel eQuals pushh R4id Vlox
  7. hadriel

    The Metal Thread

    sick track.
  8. hadriel

    *New* Scrim Tourney thread

    feb 10 works for me. lmk when we decide # of players per team and I'll get my other guys to post up for official registration. I'll get my 5 for the time being.
  9. hadriel

    Here's a question

    np dude. You should try to find some regular practice partners around your level too. You can get them to use certain compositions until you get the hang of how to hold them off etc. What level do you play at? I'm running an open tourney with a ton of players from bronze (even a few...
  10. hadriel

    *New* Scrim Tourney thread

    aightskies, yea if we only have that many teams than it wouldn't make sense, sounds good. And agreed, I'm all for a small buy-in, but I think we should run something without one first just to make sure things run smoothly.
  11. hadriel

    Here's a question

  12. hadriel

    *New* Scrim Tourney thread

    Both ways could work. How many rounds/maps will be played per matchup and how many teams? The problem with one day is that as the team count goes up it's going to take a significant chunk of time. But then there's lots of scheduling issues with doing it over time too. That's why I think...
  13. hadriel

    Here's a question

    Honestly, just practice 1-2 build orders for each matchup until the macro becomes second nature and you'll have considerably more time to worry about microing your army/scouting, etc. Try macroing away from your base only going back to place structures and drop mules, keep your vision on your...
  14. hadriel

    *New* Scrim tourney rules

    fook now I have to narrow down: 1. dust2 2. nuke 3. inferno
  15. hadriel

    *New* Scrim tourney rules

    CAL or ESEA rules probably make the most sense. As for maps, maybe a pool of 5? We could allow each team per scrim to ban 1 reducing it to only three. That way the teams only really have to practice 4 if they want, we get some more variety in the games and if there's a map one team really...
  16. hadriel

    *New* Scrim Tourney thread

    kk, well if we're just gauging interest I can easily bring in a team of 5 players who play once in a while with me on the server, all RL friends.
  17. hadriel

    *New* Scrim Tourney thread

    Can we have 1-2 extras per team incase some can't participate certain days? Can probably get confirmation on a team of 5-7 by friday.
  18. hadriel

    too much gaming?

    I easily played 20+hours straight of Diablo 2 and Guild Wars beta in high school. :s
  19. hadriel

    Counter Strike: Global Offensive

    /PS. if I had a good enough PC to run BF3, I would have played my ass off more through the beta and would still probably be playing constantly now. I had some of the most fun on an fps ever in BF2 with a group of friends playing at the same time. And the scrims in CAL were even more fun. imo...
  20. hadriel

    Counter Strike: Global Offensive

    While I'd agree that the fun factor of gameplay is an opinion, there are clearly some games that incorporate elements that are better suited to it's not purely a personal opinion. Blizz designed sc2 with competition in mind, 1.6 was designed with competition in mind, css....well...