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  1. Discodude

    TF2 Keys Giveaway (Day 1)

    DARKLY | Discodude STEAM_0:0:45851883 Also, there should be an Automatic Message on the servers to invite people here :P
  2. Discodude

    DOTA 2

    Oh, and Keeper of the Light just gives himself mana with an ability. Makes for easy consistent damage.
  3. Discodude

    DOTA 2

    When people tell you you suck, you troll them, and they ragequit :D Anyways...I generally go random build on a random guy (as I just got into it): I have to say it's rather enjoyable. :D I've only played a dozen games, but I am enjoying it! :D It seemed (in the second one), people...
  4. Discodude


    What are you planning?
  5. Discodude

    DENIED [TF2] Admin Application: Brown_Lama

    On your application post (the first post of this thread), under "SteamID", you wrote captain_crunch. You would need to replace that with the SteamID I gave you.
  6. Discodude

    DENIED [TF2] Admin Application: Brown_Lama

    You can reply more than once in a single post. :3
  7. Discodude

    DENIED [TF2] Admin Application: Brown_Lama

    It happens. The planets align, deities deign it worthy, and it happens.
  8. Discodude

    Hang over tips

  9. Discodude

    DENIED [TF2] Admin Application: Brown_Lama

    Hi! You certainly have enough time on the servers :D Although, something to change, your SteamID is: STEAM_0:1:46056413 Also, which trade #1-3? Chicago or Toronto? Please change that and post around to get to know everyone! :D
  10. Discodude

    Well played Steam, well played.

    What? Still the 4th most popular sale on Steam atm...
  11. Discodude

    Need a hug? :O
  12. Discodude

    Get Rarer Drops in TF2/Any Game

    Egoraptor is the greatest.
  13. Discodude

    Get Rarer Drops in TF2/Any Game

    Okay...? (And I'm pretty sure you mean Korean and not Japanese :3)
  14. Discodude

    DENIED [TF2] Admin Application: [Faze] Hazmat

    Maybe he meant a while back. Not exactly far in the past, but a few weeks maybe?
  15. Discodude

    DENIED [TF2] Admin Application: [Faze] Hazmat

    Your game handle would be your in-game name, and I am quite interested to find out who you mean by:
  16. Discodude


    Maybe that's the joke? :o
  17. Discodude

    Best/Worst Xmas Presents

    Liked only because of the reference to M4STER {COW}. I understand this :o Best 2012: New drum seat :3 Worst 2012: A bundle of socks, packed into another gift.
  18. Discodude

    NEWS TF2 Mecha Update - December 20, 2012

    It seems since around the time the update was released.
  19. Discodude

    NEWS TF2 Mecha Update - December 20, 2012

    It seems all the plug-ins are broken on the Toronto servers :(