Search results

  1. Discodude

    DOTA 2

    Wooooo...Have I mentioned how much I love Puck yet? No? Well, it's true. Awesome. Revise of earlier: Puck #1, Silencer #2
  2. Discodude

    TF2 Keys Giveaway (Day 24)

    DARKLY | Discodude STEAM_0:0:45851883
  3. Discodude

    DOTA 2

    I'm really enjoying this game. If you never properly tried it, you should. :P
  4. Discodude

    DOTA 2

    Yup :3
  5. Discodude

    TF2 Keys Giveaway (Day 23)

    DARKLY | Discodude STEAM_0:0:45851883
  6. Discodude

    DOTA 2

    And another, to maybe prove a point about Witch Doctor: Sadly, the screeny I took at the end of the match didn't work ;_;
  7. Discodude

    DOTA 2

    Another nice one tonight :D : Witch Doctor is terribly underrated. :D
  8. Discodude

    DOTA 2

    Thanks! :D
  9. Discodude

    DOTA 2

    Oh look, another:
  10. Discodude

    DOTA 2

    Couple nice games tonight :D :
  11. Discodude

    DOTA 2

    Silencer #1 Puck #2 Witch Doctor/Rubick #3 Anti-Mage #4 Juggernaut #5 :3 EDIT: Looking at your stats, how dare you never have played Puck or Silencer? :3
  12. Discodude

    TF2 Keys Giveaway (Day 22)

    DARKLY | Discodude STEAM_0:0:45851883
  13. Discodude

    DOTA 2

    So Thomas, for the purpose of not editing my last post, what would you say your 3 favorite characters to play as are? :3
  14. Discodude

    DOTA 2

    Well...I hit 25 with everyone else at It really was. And close too. :D Faced the new character in the Sven one. He doesn't really have some nice animations... But his ultimate seems crazy helpful. Almost like you could crush the other team in a team fight in around 7 seconds...
  15. Discodude

    DOTA 2

    First games of mine: I have to say, I'm really enjoying this game! :D (Oh, and that one in the post before this was another First one :D)
  16. Discodude


    Hey there, seems like there was a while between your app and this, eh? :3 Welcome!
  17. Discodude

    TF2 Keys Giveaway (Day 21)

    DARKLY | Discodude STEAM_0:0:45851883
  18. Discodude

    TF2 Keys Giveaway (Day 20)

    DARKLY | Discodude STEAM_0:0:45851883
  19. Discodude


    Silly walks is silly. Welcome!
  20. Discodude

    elder scrolls online

    Guy with the bow is boss. Nothing more to say.