Search results

  1. Discodude

    CLOSED Two Unusuals

    A football helmet, Madame Dixie or most Heavy hats with NnB. The Bombing Run is a really cheap one, probably because it's the worst hat ever...but... These you could probably buy for around 10 keys.
  2. Discodude

    DENIED [TF2] Moderator Application: Scruffy Scruffington

    At first I didn't think you answered the "Why do you want to be a DARKLY admin" portion. Then I saw that one line hidden in there: Almost didn't see it. Well done. Stick around!
  3. Discodude

    How insane are you?

    43.75% :thumbsup:
  4. Discodude

    READ ME Spycrab Tournament Sign Up

    Steam Name: DARKLY | Discodude Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:45851883 Profile Link:
  5. Discodude

    DOTA 2

    :D Meepo new favorite hero :P
  6. Discodude

    Ubuntu OS - (TF2 item)

    1017 hours. Have owned, in order, a High-Five taunt, 3 Strange Mediguns (which I sold for 2 keys each), 6 keys, lvl 42 white VV Tyro, craft #32 Burning Bongos, muchos keys, strange huntsman, keys again, strange machina, #3 Hot Dogger, Bubbles Larrikin Robin, 36 keys, Another Bubbles Larrikin...
  7. Discodude

    Free raffle time!

    Hey there! Thanks for the opportunity :D Number 8, plox.
  8. Discodude

    DOTA 2

    I know. That's why I usually try to play with friends :P I got one that was awesome, and understood his role, and was French, but spoke English for simplicity. It was great. His wall of ice ability is a massive help in Teamfights. EDIT: Who doesn't like an ability like: "WALRUS PUNCH"? :D
  9. Discodude

    Favorite Class Loadout

    It's a shame I have no good screenshot of my Sniper Set. :feelscry:
  10. Discodude

    Favorite Class Loadout

    :gay: So much more than mine it's ridiculous (/edit).
  11. Discodude

    ACCEPTED [TF2] Admin Application: Bird Of PrAy

    Cool that you're applying :D Anyways, nice app, and I think I can answer your questions. 1. You can edit the OP (original post). If I'm not mistaken, the button for that is at the bottom left of the original post if you mouse over it. 2. I don't think you are able to, although another...
  12. Discodude

    Plugins For Darkly Servers (TF2)

    He did add Third-Person. :3
  13. Discodude

    Hi Darkly!

    Hey there! What's the pic of? :3 Wait, is that Pikachu? :P
  14. Discodude

    DENIED [TF2] Admin Application: MustachedAwesomeness

    Hey there! You do have enough time on the servers, although you responding rather strangely. It's asking whether or not you have 40 hours of play on DARKLY servers alone (which you do, at over 5 days). Also, the next time somebody hacks/aimbots/crit or anything along those lines, report...
  15. Discodude

    Official Video Thread

  16. Discodude

    DOTA 2

  17. Discodude

    Path of Exile (open Beta)

    Acc: Discodud (I think :/) Playing as Duelist BOWS FTW MAYYYYYN! :/ Yes.
  18. Discodude

    Path of Exile (open Beta)

    Nah, I just want the early strength possibilities by Duelist, bows all the way >:O
  19. Discodude

    Path of Exile (open Beta)

    >:O You took mah class there! >:( Although it depends: Bow. Yes or no? :3