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  1. Discodude

    New guy

    Hey there! Actually seen you before! :o Welcome to the forums! :D
  2. Discodude

    Hello Everyone!

    Hey! Welcome to the forums... :D ...nice pic 47.
  3. Discodude

    DENIED [TF2] Admin Application: Blitzkireg

    Quite a nice app, thanks for the reports of peoples spamming lately. ( :/ Chicago #3 seems to have an abnormally high amount of spammers).
  4. Discodude

    What to do with Blitzkrieg...

    That feel when you know what he means.
  5. Discodude

    What to do with Blitzkrieg...

    It has been quite a while. I think that only applies to re-posting of the same app several times within a short time span.
  6. Discodude

    VGA 2012

    Yup, watched for awesome trailers and Tenacious D. Oh wait. And the host was Sam Jackson. Doesn't get much better than that :D At the very least (and only because of how great it looks ((based on the trailer))), watch the Dark Souls 2 trailer at 31:40. Fantastic stuff...
  7. Discodude


    6 (2+1) / 2= 3? :eek:
  8. Discodude


    What a domination of recent posts.
  9. Discodude


    You CAN EITHER distribute the 2 over the brackets, in which case you get 1, or you can solve as if 6/2 was in brackets. Sneaky, real sneaky. Both are correct because of the GENIUS who wrote this question :D
  10. Discodude


    I was just informed of that. Stupid me :P Too many triangle stuffs lately. EDIT: Oops wrong reply, refer to the one before this BIOP.
  11. Discodude


    What? Oh. I broke it up. 6/2 x (2 + 1) = ? 3 x (2 + 1) = ? 3 x 3 = ? 3 x 3 = 9 EDIT: Perhaps don't trust me. I'm pretty tired :P
  12. Discodude


    It's 9. 2 + 1 = 3 6/2 = 3 3(3) = 9 No real reason for a debate. The order is simple :3 EDIT: For simplicity: 6/2 comes before 2(3) because division and multiplication share a slot of time. Whichever goes first goes first. And that the question can be re-written as 6/2 x (2+1).
  13. Discodude

    Kingdom of Loathing

  14. Discodude

    Have a Great Holiday Boys and Girls

    That looks either like a lot of effort (in which case: well done), or a obscure copy paste. Happy Holidays guys! :3
  15. Discodude

    The 2012 Christmas Giveaway

    I know that feel. On a side (and less important) note: Congratulations everyone who won!
  16. Discodude

    The 2012 Christmas Giveaway

    Your new sig is dumb :/ ...@Joe
  17. Discodude

    One fully co-operative night on TF2

    Custom-y server that would be used to facilitate doing activities, that wouldn't be trading or fighting. We actually had someone give donations to have a mass-spycrab on the server. I dunno really how to explain it. Go take a look at Hatten's server :P