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  1. reaper


    welcome to Darkly
  2. reaper

    Rekh says hi!

    i dont know you but ... welcome
  3. reaper


    hey sorry about the inactivity on the servers, and on the forum i have been dealing with some family "Greed" problems thanks for the understanding :headbang:
  4. reaper


    Looks good.... you should add if they have actually played the map too... so that way ppl like me just can suggest cruddy maps
  5. reaper

    Happy New Year!

    ^ what they all said HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
  6. reaper

    Crackhouse Server Suggestion

    I like the improvements im seeing on the CH sever im seeing a much bigger player base than normal this makes me happy
  7. reaper

    Hey all!

    welcome :)
  8. reaper

    Damage and hit mod for CS...?

    i would also like to see what damage u did on the sever, i think it would be a great assets to our severs (i think this might be a helpful link for the case ***NOTE i am not advertising a another fourms site i just...
  9. reaper

    Forseeing a problem

    Ok, i noticed our CH sever pop has started to increase... or at least when i am on i see players activly playing, but i see hardly any admin on besides silver apple, im announcing this because this may possibly be a problem if we get a hacker on and no one is on there to get rid of him, or...
  10. reaper

    Hey all

    welcome :headbang:
  11. reaper

    Epic Picture Thread

    can we say metal fetish??
  12. reaper

    Upcoming Movies Thread

    i agree, or at least dig back to the older heros or hell why not do the marvel villains ?
  13. reaper

    Crackhouse Server Suggestion

    ok, im sad to report that the point of our CH is not so positive.... i interviewed a few ppl on the sever and there main goal was to get about 100kills and then there gone they said that theres nothing else keeping them.
  14. reaper

    Banned From TV! - Priceless! Credit Card Ad

    omg i almost died laughing at this
  15. reaper

    Crackhouse Server Suggestion

    I have a newer idea how about we get a DM rotation of about 6 maps and add wcs on to them so that way the maps dont get as stale as quick any like the idea? and maybe a possible addon to prevent ppl from camping for so long, and a rock the vote to change the map as well, I also asked around...
  16. reaper

    Crackhouse Server Suggestion

    i have seen it on DM all the time they just took out the respawning races n they maybe added a few to compensate for the fewer races.... but there ate THOUSANDS of races out there so races shouldnt be a porblem
  17. reaper

    Crackhouse Server Suggestion

    looks like wcs is starting to get a popular vote :) im glad i suggested it
  18. reaper

    Crackhouse Server Suggestion

    yea yea there we go get the thought train rolling.. me personaly love WCS and maybe we can add one to our line up
  19. reaper

    Crackhouse Server Suggestion

    HBC i will take that as a valid opinion but it is meerly an idea
  20. reaper

    Crackhouse Server Suggestion

    yea those could work too, the wcs was just n idea for some thing fresh