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  1. J

    School Fuck Up?

    Taking the science and math classes is a good move. The options offered in highschool like art and drama are fun, but the people I know who have tried to make a career of them (and have taken them in post seondary) end up having to suppliment their "art" with other more mundane jobs...
  2. J

    School Fuck Up?

    Mandy, take the class now. Look at it this way: you get it over and done with and out of your life, and if something were to happen with one of your other classes and you need that block of time again in the summer you now have it available; you're basically leaving your options open by taking...
  3. J

    What a crazy bitch

    when the fuck did we turn from a society where people respected each other because if they didn't they would be eating knuckles to a society of bitches who can't stand up for themselves for fear of being charged. Society = fucked. I've said it for years, we defend the wrong doers and let the...
  4. J


    Went out for a river boat partie as the Mad Hatter and the Queen of Hearts...too loud for me even after I've blown the hell outta my ears with my car stereo. I think next year we'll try to do a small house party or something a little more low key. I agree with the skank-o-ween comments; it...
  5. J

    How To Be Really Annoying

    Wow, I'm good at this game! List of things I've done from Omission's list: 1.Drum on every available surface. 2.Sing the Batman theme incessantly. 3.Staple papers in the middle of the page. 5.Sew anti-theft detector strips into people's backpacks. 6.Set alarms for random times...
  6. J

    haha started building my car after the accident

    Awesome dude! You gotta have some balls or experience to take on that project; good luck and let us know how it turns out.
  7. J


    Awesome man, ubber congrats! name her Jim-Bob; you'll have less trouble with the boys later on in her life.
  8. J

    wtf blanket

    haha, man, its not the herpes I'm worried about...its the super herpes. Needless to say, I cancelled my order.
  9. J

    Star Wars 911

    Do a barrel roll...
  10. J


  11. J

    posibly the greasiest bastards alive.

    Awesome find. And you thought SJ obsessed about bukkake before; this will surely unleash the bukkake beast inside of him.
  12. J

    I Resign!

    Nothing beats a good ol' injection of McGrease. +1 on Omission running a lemonade stand
  13. J

    Things That Irritate a Sane Person!

    You can always tell the insane ones: they're the ones who think they're sane. I actually enjoy a few of the items on that list :p
  14. J

    For $tve

  15. J

    Annoying Bumper Stickers

    My all time favorite sticker is (or some close approximation of): "I'm only speeding because I have to poop"
  16. J


    Absolutely. You assume control, you assume liability. Edit: its just like touching the steering wheel when someone else is driving (you assume television tells me).
  17. J

    need some help blood

    Look up war photography from the early to mid 1900's, it will likely be mostly black and white but some of it is quite gorey; the things people do to each other... Alternatively, check out some of the photography from the conflicts in African countries.
  18. J

    Flash slap

    I'm not a fan of the slap; so many situations where I've flashed someone for like .1 or .2 seconds to get slapped into an area I was trying to avoid. Also, please bring back the auto slay for spawn attacking; I've been getting shot up in spawn by te general populace on a semi regular basis...