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  1. Team Dim Sum JC

    server restart

    need a reboot again
  2. Team Dim Sum JC


    hi there
  3. Team Dim Sum JC


    they are still surviving... we'll see with bb 10 launching in january. I have a personal connection growing up in waterloo and also teach mike lazardis's son violin... I'm pulling for them. I have 2 BB. One for work and one personal
  4. Team Dim Sum JC

    JC in the House!

    ack u
  5. Team Dim Sum JC

    server restart

    Go server needs a reboot. Cannot join
  6. Team Dim Sum JC

    It's that time of the year again.....

    so many games i wouldnt mind getting but no room on the credit card right now and need to save for christmas lol meh, ill stick to CS. Best 15 bux I've ever spent I think
  7. Team Dim Sum JC

    JC in the House!

    dadadada dim sum
  8. Team Dim Sum JC

    i am sadonion

    The fastest ranking player ever LOL 6000 points in a week or 2 :megusta: I think this is a sad onion? LOL
  9. Team Dim Sum JC

    It's that time of the year again.....

    CS for 8bux!!!! Go buy.. Wait... 98% of us here already own it LOL
  10. Team Dim Sum JC


    I have a 64 gig playbook from last year.. it does what i need for work but who wants RIM these days anyways LOL
  11. Team Dim Sum JC

    JC in the House!

    LOL leave it to taco to derail threads
  12. Team Dim Sum JC

    It's that time of the year again.....

    damnit max payne 3 for $15!!! I want my money back damnit. Reminds me, I haven't finished the game yet
  13. Team Dim Sum JC

    JC in the House!

    Hey all, guess it was time for me to join the forum considering how much I'm on the GO server lol Howdy