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  1. Starman4xz

    No Blocking on Toronto Darkly

    spcomp.exe Compiles my .sp SourcePawn files into .smx, so they can then be read by the SourceMod plugin system.
  2. Starman4xz

    The ULTIMATE Rock, Paper, Scizzors Tournament!

    Hes not disguised. Sooo...
  3. Starman4xz

    No Blocking on Toronto Darkly

    Alright. Let me know how it goes or have any suggestions for this or other plugins. :)
  4. Starman4xz

    No Blocking on Toronto Darkly

    You guys give it a try, report any bugs with it here. I'll be glad to fix them in my spare time. Most of them should be clear however. Just trying to help out the community. Love the TF2 servers ;)
  5. Starman4xz

    No Blocking on Toronto Darkly

    Done. Here you guys go! The (should-be after all day of testing...) final release! Command Trigger: "!noblock" - Same as the other plugin, was a nifty trigger and stands out. CVars: sm_noblock_cooldown "10" "Sets the time you must wait after you can do noblock again" - Inspired by Buckshot...
  6. Starman4xz

    No Blocking on Toronto Darkly

    It can be done even easier than that. I think there is a Round_Start for CSS like in TF2, I can hook an event to that, so when it's too late, they cannot trigger it any longer. I have it currently working, and it can be used at leisure. I'll see if I can make it only work for the beginning...
  7. Starman4xz

    No Blocking on Toronto Darkly

    Nah man it's fine. Keep your code. Someone more worthy than me will need it more. As for the plugin status, I just fixed a major bug that when "!noblock" was triggered, it would loop timers, and never end. Final testing and soon good-to-go!
  8. Starman4xz

    No Blocking on Toronto Darkly

    After seeing this running on TF2, It's not worth it lol. Don't use. Since CSS uses the same engine as TF2 I should be able to atleast get very close with it working. Im almost done fixing the final problems. Hang tight.
  9. Starman4xz

    No Blocking on Toronto Darkly

    I built the plugin back up from scratch, and it (should) target specific players that type "!noblock". It will not affect all players at once. I currently have it set to a 10 second timer, after 10 seconds the noblock is up and it sets it back to defaults (also should). The timer is changeable...
  10. Starman4xz

    No Blocking on Toronto Darkly

    Ok. It's done. I cannot guarantee that there is no bugs with it. If there is, reply here. I don't have CSS so I cannot test this, you guys will have to do that for me lol. Test it on local servers that you have full control of, because some errors (Such as the SetEntProp errors) will usually...
  11. Starman4xz

    No Blocking on Toronto Darkly

    I can try :) What should it do? Should players be able to just type !block, and for x seconds they can go through players? EDIT: API has the flags, Here you go. Flag one (In value starting from 0, not NONE) should be your best bet for limited time. COLLISION_GROUP_NONE = 0...
  12. Starman4xz

    No Blocking on Toronto Darkly

    Sourcemod itself is in C++, The plugins are made in Pawn (Similar C++ Syntax, but not exactly the same). The NoBlock itself could be done if you messed around with the m_CollisionGroup property on CTFPlayers. A timer could be made from the second a player types "!block", then the collision group...
  13. Starman4xz

    Preventing Sentry Camping

    Alright. So most of the time im having fun on TF2 on the Rawr servers. Whether it comes to Trading or just shooting eachother or spycrabbing. But what happens if you come back from idling and find yourself surrounded by Sentrys outside of the spawn? Could take awhile if nobody decides to play...
  14. Starman4xz

    No Blocking on Toronto Darkly

    I don't have CSS, but I could possibly recreate this plugin to fit Darkly's needs.
  15. Starman4xz

    RTD Effects Broken/Bugs

    All of those commands are in a plugin that came with the server, playercommands.smx I would think. Without it, they will not work.
  16. Starman4xz

    RTD Effects Broken/Bugs

    Speaking of this... Did you try the new update I posted on the original thread about this?
  17. Starman4xz

    mute in-game voices

    So like an admin type of mute? That silences them completely from all of the server like in TF2? There is no vote muting in CSS? (I don't have the game so no idea).
  18. Starman4xz

    mute in-game voices

    I'm not sure if this works in CSS (if this is what you mean in the game), but in TF2 there is a console command that can disable or enable receiving voice. Command is a bool: "voice_enabled x". Where x = 0 is false or x = 1 is true (in the sense of it hearing voices on or off). Possibly worth...
  19. Starman4xz

    RTD Plugin Fix

    Alright. Here is the final version. I tested on my server, removing admin and immunity from myself completely, and they still worked. Upload it on the trade3 again so we can see if there is still anything wrong. Link: (Only has the plugins because you...