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  1. Starman4xz

    Comp, anyone

    Comps as in highlander? I want to get in to plat highlander, think I can give it a try. Just no time.
  2. Starman4xz

    Ubuntu OS - (TF2 item)

    Ahh yes. Truly one of the best free OS out there. Still had the old version of it, and it's still going.
  3. Starman4xz

    Item Retirement Just noticed the post, reading...
  4. Starman4xz

    BANNED steam wallet scammer

    I saw a scam that looked almost EXACTLY like this on Reddit one day.. like a few days ago or so ago. lol.
  5. Starman4xz

    Reddit: "4chan raids omegle pretending to be the heavy (nsfw-text)" lol
  6. Starman4xz

    TF2 Keys Giveaway (Day 1)

    Starman4xz STEAM_0:0:34927760
  7. Starman4xz

    NEWS TF2 Mecha Update - December 20, 2012

    It crashed when you healed an ally with the Vaccinator, then changed the resist type. It did not do it all the time. It was kinda by chance if you did it, 50%. Latest SM snapshot should have taken care of it by now.
  8. Starman4xz

    Winter Update 2012 Soon

  9. Starman4xz

    Winter Update 2012 Soon

    EDIT: It's actually tomorrow, according to CapCom their games are going on steams "holiday sale" tomorrow, and usually updates start when the itemdrop system is reset, so most likely tomorrow.
  10. Starman4xz

    Winter Update 2012 Soon

    The winter update according to Ned was added into the registry... and it says tonight! PREPAIR YOUR WALLETS
  11. Starman4xz

    Most kills on strange weapons (w/o farming :P).

    Just got a Strange RL yesturday, reached 449 kills after a few hours on Darkly xP
  12. Starman4xz

    FREEE METRO 2033

    Whats the game about, basically? Looks good tho. Redeeming now.
  13. Starman4xz

    The future of computing

    Good read. But even with all this speed, even the x86 processors that we are already using, they are pretty fast as-is. Why would you want to be able to attach more processors (like you said to attach your phone to your computer)? I have not seen programs that even require that amount of cores...
  14. Starman4xz

    Halloween Update Is nearing...

    There going to make us pay more for this new mode, I bet.
  15. Starman4xz

    Halloween Update Is nearing... (Hidden Page) (The spy head is a skull) It's coming.
  16. Starman4xz


    Oh god. UGC people are hard to beat. I played a few in MGEMod, I lost really badly, like 8-20. Them airshot skills.
  17. Starman4xz

    Pink Billz Raffle

    I suppose since it's free, why not give it a try. STEAM_0:0:34927760
  18. Starman4xz

    Tank Minigame

    Can you replace it with the new copy and see if the round still won't start? And let me know if it lags if you catch it.
  19. Starman4xz

    Tank Minigame

    Oh. So not much has to be changed. And was shoots reply when the minigame was updated? Or was this the old copy still.
  20. Starman4xz

    Tank Minigame

    It's still doing this problem? Well lookie here. And it was causing the lag on Chicago? I did not know. Sorry guys. I'll be looking into possibly fixing it up a bit, I figured out that there is a target input to pathents (But with tEntDev broken still, more of a hassle, more delay shall...