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  1. P


    LOL bob by the way thats pyros fave gif of all time!
  2. P


    Aw another gf recruit! haha represent!!
  3. P

    [poll] Comments on this hottie ??

    lol awesome avatar gump
  4. P

    im good, use me FOR YOUR SCRIMS >:D

    i heard some talk of a possible scrim tonight at 10 and yeah it was good of u too sub in for spinny when his shit crashed the othernight. yeah so if your up for a scrim hop in vent before 10 tonight and we will see how many we can get.
  5. P

    HooB's Team

    narf you just broke the seal of confidentiality that was blanketed over the drafting proceedings. harsh reprimands may follow as a result!
  6. P

    SiR-DreW's Team For Thursdays Match's

    it might be a good idea for all of us to get on each others friends in case we want to set up some practise scrims. "Pyroette" if you want to add me, and i added you Drew Captain sir lol
  7. P

    SiR-DreW's Team For Thursdays Match's

    thats actually pretty hilarious i like it and +1 for the team name
  8. P

    World of Warcraft

    i warned you all. lol
  9. P


    lol welcome to the forums
  10. P

    [poll] bored in class

    i see what ur doing there... and i like it :)
  11. P

    TD MEET :: March 20th 2010

    this is going to be a shit show. joints will be smoked. pipe hits will occur. drunkness will be mandatory. and if brains shows up bums will be f*cked. u know u want to be there. lol
  12. P

    35 turns 14 today!

    hahaha happy birthday 35!!!
  13. P

    Leroy turns 40 today...

    'appy Birfday Lerrrrroy
  14. P

    5v5(20man) DE_old cal rules Tournament

    shotty to the face.
  15. P

    5v5(20man) DE_old cal rules Tournament

    hey i totally want in!
  16. P

    Wassup people?

    lol heeeeeey bro. you'll have fun here.
  17. P

    NEw Babt

    aw congrats rorshach!
  18. P

    [poll] New (and "old" maps) for the map cycle

    huzzah! that is it! good job. yeah we should bring that back, its nice.
  19. P

    [poll] New (and "old" maps) for the map cycle

    no it was some exotic it was a big map of some ruins it could have been something maya? or mayan? but i dont know. the ruins were grey and there was a lot of grass overgrowing the place.