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  1. P

    Oil Spill

    i know u cant build it in a day but u could probably build it in a couple weeks. and u could lower it with boat cranes. maybe in two peices?
  2. P

    Oil Spill

    ahahaha ^^^this was me asking...pyro was signed in.
  3. P

    Spinny turns 36 today

    u actually 36 man? damnnnnnnnnnn! spinnys kinda hot for an old guy happy birthday!
  4. P

    Need your ideas!

    glen narfing yu
  5. P

    Do you think it's worth it...

    lols mandy boys just dont get it. i have three pairs of colored contacts, actually i was wearing the brown ones at the last meet. I like em. But it really depends on your eye color and what ur going for. i have green eyes so i bought brown purple and blue contacts. i think they make more of a...
  6. P

    ATTN BHA or whoever the fuck

    can we please for the love of god add 3rd street. i swear ive been asking for a year. and im sorry but its a hell of a lot more fun then any of the maps u guys are talking about above.
  7. P


    lol not gonna lie totally gonna blast that when i can drive
  8. P

    10 People Who Got Stoned Who Probably Shouldn’t Have

    judge judy ones were hilarious.
  9. P

    Motorcycle riders

    i want a bike really badly but my mom always just seems completely shocked and appalled whenever i bring it up. fuckin sick!
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    Ten Reasons Why You Should Not Date a Girl Gamer

    im not going to a back seat gamer. but he has only himself to blame i didnt even know about this game before he turned me onto it.
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    Stupid Japanese

    shotgun i love your new sig!
  12. P


    yeah this guy is cool. +1
  13. P

    car control / race track driving - new season

    lol rc cars are wicked cool. but no im not really into it i dont even know what it is to be frank. i just had an awesome monster truck rc car that could drive down the stairs. it was coooooool. anyway. id go to youre school i dont have my g2 or cash tho :S
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    car control / race track driving - new season

    aw i thought this thread was going to be about remote controlled cars... dissapoint!
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    I need an office chair

    of course its purple brains. to match the rest of your room?
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    +1 yea yea!
  17. P

    Business / loved one

    may family is like a bunch of cats- not good for buisness
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    Holy Hell am I still new?

    right on dude! yeah youre good to have in scrims. too bad ya missed the party
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    word UP!