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  1. DOGE

    DENIED ADMIN request

    Thanks for giving me the opertoonity to becum an admin, but I wuld like to remoove my aplocaton witout a ban. I meant no harm. Tanks and sory.
  2. DOGE

    DENIED ADMIN request

    HappySticks™ Oki doki, I have copied the template into my applercaton. YAY! Gatherix I understand Mr. admin. I just be thinkin to muh self that the servers be full of bad people that be spammin mic n chat butt no one be stopping them. I tink der r vary meny people that have filed owt apps dat...
  3. DOGE

    DENIED ADMIN request

    Hiya I be see lots of apps in dis section waitin to be accepted or denied and some over a month long do dis take? I be seein lots of bad people on dem servers lately and no many mods and admins to do stop these ppl. D: Chow
  4. DOGE


    I'm new here and I am getting lots of support in my tf2 admin application and I am nice and polite and friendly and I have a dog named Alfonzo and thats it. Chao.
  5. DOGE

    DENIED ADMIN request

    Thanks, I knew I would get a lot of support on this application!
  6. DOGE

    DENIED ADMIN request

    I want to be an admin, thanks. Game Handle(s): SteamID: Previous Clan/Community affiliations: Real First Name: Age: Location: Which DARKLY TF2 servers do you play on: Why do you want to be a DARKLY TF2 Admin: YES/NO Questions: Do you have a minimum of 1 month on the server with at least 60...
  7. DOGE

    Just a TF2 guy

    Just a TF2 guy