• Welcome to DARKLY's Community Forums, Guest

    If you're new around here, feel free to post a quick thread introducing yourself to the other community members.


Hello ladies and gents! My name is Jewbacabra and I'm "new?" to Darkly. I've been playing on the traade servers for quite some time now and I'd like to get to know some people on the forums. I mostly play TF2 but i've been playing some GMOD lately. I have loved Darkly since day 1 and I wish you all will take me in like everyone else has. I hope you all have a nice day/night! Bye Bye! :D

Sir X:

TF2 Staff | UberLag
The gamer known as "Jewbacabra" has made an introduction on the forums. Welcome Jewbacabra,enjoy your stay and please, tell us more about yourself in-game. No-homo. See ya in game bud.