Recent content by Wild-e

  1. Wild-e

    CSS Server

    Works now Thanks
  2. Wild-e

    CSS Server

    i reloaded steam and css now when i go to TD server it wont load any maps i dont already have ....... it kicks me from server ..... any fix Thanks
  3. Wild-e

    For Sale

    i got stuff on ebay for sale if you want to take a look.... check this link and check other items for sale .... thanks
  4. Wild-e

    Scrim Team - Looking

    Me 2
  5. Wild-e

    [INVITED] Recruitment

    Game Handle(s): Wild-e SteamID:5565307 Previous Clan/Community affiliations: Hells Army Real First Name: Bill Age:55 Location:....Ottawa On Canada Favorite Games:...css ,redfaction Interests:....Stock market Why do you want to join Toronto Darkly?... Ive played on TD sever for...
  6. Wild-e

    The Heist

    Reminds me of the game SIN ...almost same map