A Gamer who enjoys playing a variety of games on Playstation 3, or Steam, however, I'm becoming more active on Steam. I usually am active when I'm not playing a title on PS3, recently I've been getting back to playing TF2. I enjoy listening to music, writing, & drawing as well. I have made a couple of sketches here and there when I become bored, but haven't done anything recently. When I write however, everything just seems different. I mean, my daily communications with others can be very, I guess you can say "awkward", but when writing long term reports and "essays" as well as poems, I am usually complemented on my skill. When talking to others on a daily basis I could be somewhat shy, and can occasionally stutter when speaking, but when I do something serious such as presenting something or having a serious conversation with someone, I happen to excel in these types of actions, and some how achieve in not making mistakes. However, I'm not bragging or premoting that I'm perfect, I tend to be aware of my flaws and skills and try to improve them as much as I can. If you wish to contact me, the best way you can is through either Steam or Skype. I also have a Facebook as well, but I'm debating if I wish to share it.
- Skype
The following is the result when you make multiple comments or "pipe-bombs" about somebody's wife on live Television.
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