Recent content by Shotgun Jesus

  1. Shotgun Jesus

    Epic/Funny Quotes from DARKLY

    47: “We need another Hitler”
  2. Shotgun Jesus

    CS still alive?

    A bunch of the TD bums play that shit. Pyro, Cock, 47, some other losers…
  3. Shotgun Jesus

    CS still alive?

    What's up, rev.
  4. Shotgun Jesus

    Epic/Funny Quotes from DARKLY

    BJ: P.S. I'd marry this broad, holy fuck Pyro: you’d marry a rotting tangerine if it had eyeliner and was over 50
  5. Shotgun Jesus

    CS still alive?

  6. Shotgun Jesus

    CS still alive?

    LOLWUT. I guess CS 2, but no TD pubs. Does Belleville still suck balls?
  7. Shotgun Jesus

    NEWS Toronto Darkly Discord (2021)

    If any motherfuckers from the old CS days stumble upon the forums, we are still actively gaming on Discord. :myhammer:
  8. Shotgun Jesus

    Darkly Stuff

  9. Shotgun Jesus

    NEWS PUBG Is Our Master Now

    Technically you can trade hats.
  10. Shotgun Jesus

    NEWS PUBG Is Our Master Now

    People who say it's broken just suck. It's a great game. Addicting, and very fun.
  11. Shotgun Jesus


    Why don't you actually read the thread you're referencing? If you're banned through SteamRep, that's on them now, not us. Tell SteamRep we think you're super awesome now. I absolve you of your sins. Go in peace, my son.
  12. Shotgun Jesus

    NEWS PUBG Is Our Master Now

    All the cool Toronto Darkly kids play Playerunknown's Battlegrounds now. If you want to squad with the cool kids join Darkly's Discord server and proceed to sit and masturbate in the PUBG specific channel. Darkly Discord invite link:
  13. Shotgun Jesus

    CS Night Sept 21!!!

    Is it even up? ClanVPP might have cut us off. Edit: As far as I can see, I no longer have any access to it.