Recent content by Remy

  1. Remy

    NEWS PUBG Is Our Master Now

    Theres no hat trading so fuck off
  2. Remy

    Forum's dead but whatever, what are you playing these days?

    Anyone play Paladins?
  3. Remy

    clash of clans

    More like BAIL!
  4. Remy

    Overwatch Open Beta Early Access Key

    Not worth 60$ bail! if it goes on sale ill buy. Tracer was super fun.
  5. Remy

    Overwatch Open Beta Early Access Key

  6. Remy

    Official Video Thread

    Jesus im crying laughing. Gold dusts boots.
  7. Remy

    NEWS TD is Dead, Long Live TD

    Will pay you 20$ if you can sneak in "TD" or "Darkly". 100$ if you can get "Brains is a fag" on air.
  8. Remy

    NEWS TD is Dead, Long Live TD

    Both less annoying than @Brains
  9. Remy

    NEWS TD is Dead, Long Live TD

    Cunt! Fucking cunt! What a cunt! My favourite word ever. Love the Brits for it. Also wanker, nothing like calling another guy a wanker
  10. Remy

    NEWS TD is Dead, Long Live TD

    Thanatos is an admin abuser. Setting players on fire all the time. Revoke admin vote required.
  11. Remy

    Epic Picture Thread

    I dont know whats worse that Narf had it or that Spinny figured that out.
  12. Remy

    Battlefield 4

    I played Beeftree with some of the TD guys a few years ago. The game is fun when youre on a good team that plays the objectives. Sometimes you're stuck with a horrible team that just waits for the Chopper or Plane.
  13. Remy

    clash of clans

    nothing to help non maxed out bases.
  14. Remy

    clash of clans

    Now you REALLY have to protect town hall. After the first news i was thinking of leaving mine outside anyways. no real loss as i wanted to stay low level, but with you losing a lot more loot bases will be different AIDS Next ones better be unit related
  15. Remy

    New Tattoo

    "For Dead Mikes use only"