Recent content by Prosyne_

  1. Prosyne_

    ACCEPTED Darkly TF2 Mod App - Newb

    That takes it to another level xD
  2. Prosyne_

    <:: Connection is our Power, hacking is our weapon ::>

    <:: Connection is our Power, hacking is our weapon ::>
  3. Prosyne_

    CLOSED Looking to Sell off my Earbuds

    I may be able to get this money to buy it off you, I will keep you informed.
  4. Prosyne_

    Prosyne_ Here!

    Yeah, I can't login. It's legit. Thanks bud.
  5. Prosyne_

    Moko's SFM adventures

    Yeah man we all do it, try to make it not so obvious though :)
  6. Prosyne_

    Moko's SFM adventures

    Cool I guess. Most of them are just default animations. But cool. Prosyne approves.
  7. Prosyne_

    Prosyne_ Here!

  8. Prosyne_

    ACCEPTED Darkly TF2 Mod App - Newb

    Haha already been asked the same thing, I will make a new one.
  9. Prosyne_

    ACCEPTED Admin/Moderator Application

    Looks like a really well written app, good luck!
  10. Prosyne_

    ACCEPTED Darkly TF2 Mod App - Newb

    Looks like a very detailed application, you really put your thought into this and I think you should be considered for Trial.
  11. Prosyne_

    DENIED Darkly Mod Application TF2

    This application is very brief and looks like it took you 5 minutes, I would say work on the depth.
  12. Prosyne_

    Prosyne_ Here!

    Thanks pal
  13. Prosyne_

    Heartstone: Heroes of Warcraft

    Yeah my dad played it once on his iPad lmao
  14. Prosyne_

    Hello there!

    yo yo yo