Recent content by flawless22

  1. flawless22

    UNBANNED Unban request

    Been playing ESEA with Peter and it's been nothing but positive vibes from him, nice guy. Vouched.
  2. flawless22

    ACCEPTED [CS:GO] Admin Application: TD| .flawless

    lol, see with the admin I can unstack the teams ;)
  3. flawless22

    ACCEPTED [CS:GO] Admin Application: TD| .flawless

    In-Game Name: TD| .flawless Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:18413496 Any Previous Clan/Community Affiliations: N/a Real First Name: Quang Age: 23 Location: Toronto Which DARKLY CS:GO Servers Do You Play On: Toronto Darkly and Chicago Why do you want to be a DARKLY CS:GO Admin: Been apart of the TD gaming...
  4. flawless22

    Tourney Finals (for 360+wet)

    Yeah, we got Source tv for the server. - This is Darkly Scrim Cam #1
  5. flawless22

    Tourney Finals (for 360+wet)

    Thought the date was set on March 3rd? 9pm Est. 360 team is all good to go on that date.
  6. flawless22

    Tourney Finals (for 360+wet)

    We were all aiming for next week.Looking to have a solid match with no ringers.
  7. flawless22

    5v5 Scrim Tourney - STANDINGS / BRACKETS **Post Scores**

    Any chance we can pull up a demo of that match? So epic...
  8. flawless22

    HAND_JOB vs. [360]

    Yup, 10pm seems like both teams are good to go! GL guys.
  9. flawless22

    [360] vs Hosers

    Hey I think we come to conclusion that Sat after 7 PM is okay for our team so far.
  10. flawless22

    Admins on Stock/CAL/CEVO

    Usually, I'm on the vanilla server late at noon time due to my class schedules and all. Just add me and a few other TD members on steam. We'll respond to your messages.
  11. flawless22

    [360] vs Hosers

    I can do Thursday Night. Friday I can do it before 8:30pm. Ill ask my team members on their availability and Ill confirm on the times.
  12. flawless22


    Ingame: TD| Flawless Steam ID : STEAM_0:0:18413496 How Long have you been playing on DARKLY Servers: Almost a year. I think.. Reason why you should be selected: Been an active CS:S, BF3 member, idled on a few servers to get it started. With my current CS:S "hacking" abilities I can easily...