In-Game Name: TD| .flawless
Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:18413496
Any Previous Clan/Community Affiliations: N/a
Real First Name: Quang
Age: 23
Location: Toronto
Which DARKLY CS:GO Servers Do You Play On:
Toronto Darkly and Chicago
Why do you want to be a DARKLY CS:GO Admin:
Been apart of the TD gaming...
Usually, I'm on the vanilla server late at noon time due to my class schedules and all. Just add me and a few other TD members on steam. We'll respond to your messages.
Ingame: TD| Flawless
Steam ID : STEAM_0:0:18413496
How Long have you been playing on DARKLY Servers: Almost a year. I think..
Reason why you should be selected: Been an active CS:S, BF3 member, idled on a few servers to get it started. With my current CS:S "hacking" abilities I can easily...