
JOE But he's OK. If he wasn't OK, he
wouldn't be here. Okay, let me
introduce everybody to everybody.
But once again, at the risk of
being redundant, if I even think I
hear somebody telling or referring
to somebody by their Christian
(Joe searches for the right words)
...you won't want to be you.
Okay, quickly.
(pointing at the men as he gives them a name)
Mr. Brown, Mr. White, Mr. Blonde,
Mr. Blue, Mr. Orange, and Mr.

MR. PINK Why am I Mr. Pink?

JOE Cause you're a faggot.

Everybody laughs.

MR. PINK Why can't we pick out our own

JOE I tried that once, it don't work.
You get four guys fighting over
who's gonna be Mr. Black. Since
nobody knows anybody else, nobody
wants to back down. So forget it,
I pick. Be thankful you're not
Mr. Yellow.

MR. BROWN Yeah, but Mr. Brown? That's too
close to Mr. Shit.

Everybody laughs.

MR. PINK Yeah, Mr. Pink sounds like Mr.
Pussy. Tell you what, let me be
Mr. Purple. That sounds good to
me, I'm Mr. Purple.

JOE You're not Mr. Purple, somebody
from another job's Mr. Purple.
You're Mr. Pink.

MR. WHITE Who cares what your name is? Who
cares if you're Mr. Pink, Mr.
Purple, Mr. Pussy, Mr. Piss...

MR. PINK Oh that's really easy for you to
say, you're Mr. White. You gotta
cool-sounding name. So tell me,
Mr. White, if you think "Mr. Pink"
is no big deal, you wanna trade?

JOE Nobody's trading with anybody!
Look, this ain't a goddamn fuckin
city counsel meeting! Listen up
Mr. Pink. We got two ways here,
my way or the highway. And you
can go down either of 'em. So
what's it gonna be, Mr. Pink?

MR. PINK Jesus Christ, Joe. Fuckin forget
it. This is beneath me. I'm Mr.
Pink, let's move on.
Colorado, USA
Games Played
  1. Counter-Strike: Source
  2. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
  3. Team Fortress 2
  4. Minecraft
  5. The War Z


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