Recent content by Brains Is A Fag

  1. Brains Is A Fag

    DDoS Threats

    For those of you that have been experiencing loads of annoying "lag spikes" and frequent glitches, in games, programs, applications; this could be a solid reason. A large portion of the DDoS'ings have been coming from this guy named DerpTrolling. They've been known to vary in popularity; if...
  2. Brains Is A Fag

    Healthy Breakfasts

    I usually go for tea and something small with it. As I'm not a big morning eater, wierdly. I'd say Fork's is the closest to things I'd bet on being healthy.
  3. Brains Is A Fag

    Hey! I'm new here!:D

    Never seen you in my life. Ever. Welcome to the forum ;)
  4. Brains Is A Fag

    Hi :)

    hey welcome m8
  5. Brains Is A Fag

    Favorite Christmas Gift

    I got some nice clothing and isolate myself in my room with food. What else is new, hahaha.
  6. Brains Is A Fag

    Merry Christmas!

    Merry christmas guys! Hope you guys are enjoying yourselves and/or getting unnecessarily drunk, like you should be. JhDevils10
  7. Brains Is A Fag

    merry christmas, mate. have a good one.

    merry christmas, mate. have a good one.
  8. Brains Is A Fag

    Narf's Rep Thread

    | steamname: Narf | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:39961642 | steamID64: | customURL: | steamrep: I'm an ok guy I guess. :pccoffeel:
  9. Brains Is A Fag

    Christmas List

    I just spit all over my computer screen laughing.
  10. Brains Is A Fag

    Christmas List

    That doesn't mean I won't drink. If you're ever around the US, feel free to pop by and have a few. :thumbsup:
  11. Brains Is A Fag

    Christmas List

    Might have a hard time explaining to my mom that I want to get "fucked up" for Christmas.
  12. Brains Is A Fag

    BANNED Spycrab unner

    Sorry for the abundance of ban requests, lately. Runner: | steamname: (☠) Droyder (☠) | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:52794470 | steamID64: | customURL: | steamrep:
  13. Brains Is A Fag

    Christmas List

  14. Brains Is A Fag

    Christmas List

    These things sound fantastic, I'm also contemplating a few books with integrated Poe stories, or something along the lines of that. Breaking Bad would be great just to say I have, and my chair is plastic, and my desk is small and made of fake wood, so I'm right there next to you, Zacky, thanks!