Recent content by Archduke

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    The Obama Deception If you haven't seen it check it out. If you have what are your thoughts?
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    ctrl+v Part DEUX!

    rcon exec cevolo3.cfg
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    come on put it on already someone. i wanna play it so bad TEHDAS FTW
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    Since the update I noticed de_tehdas is no longer in the rotation. Can it please be added again as this is a great map that lots of us enjoy playing.
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    Uh Oh looks like we might be okay after all, seems the author of the original article was exaggerating a bit
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    Uh Oh
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    Novelty Maps Thread

    this is a great deagle map
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    Ninja say what?

    lmao funny shit right there
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    The Expendables

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    About 24 Pandas Re-App

    good player, cool guy, always in the pub. +1
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    I dunno man I'd say Overeem is near the top of the heavy weight rankings. Over the last few years his striking has gotten a lot better and he's a beast. I could see him beating any heavyweight right now.
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    NEW UPDATE!!!!
