Recent content by Andres ellingsen

  1. Andres ellingsen

    Whats going on guys?!

    thank you sir
  2. Andres ellingsen

    Just Wondering (Internet Speeds)

    I do indeed, only a month until i go back to norway for the summer, woohoo
  3. Andres ellingsen

    Just Wondering (Internet Speeds) my internet in norway ! sad day that my internet in texas is like this:
  4. Andres ellingsen

    giving away dota 2 keys

    So I found out that steam has given me about 15 keys for dota 2, and I have absolutely no use for them, so if anyone is interested just shout out and we'll make it happen :)
  5. Andres ellingsen

    Just Wondering (Internet Speeds)

    as slow as humanly possible it seems like
  6. Andres ellingsen

    How about we reset ranks?

    you got a point! RESET NAOOOOO!
  7. Andres ellingsen

    How about we reset ranks?

    maan, im traveling the ladder day by day, i've slowly crept up to 170 ! just not YET! :(
  8. Andres ellingsen

    Just Wondering (Internet Speeds)

    its a sad day, but where i live right now i only have 1 down, 0.2 up, but in norway, i have 50 down 50 up :D and i miss it :tableflip:
  9. Andres ellingsen

    Whats going on guys?!

    Thank you Sir! keep abusing the system like a baws :D :P and i look forward to keep shooting you in CS:GO :)
  10. Andres ellingsen

    Whats going on guys?!

    Yay ! I like riding the short bus ! less people to worry about :D
  11. Andres ellingsen

    Whats going on guys?!

    Thank you ! I gotta tell you I was a little shocked when my notification told me that "cock" replied to my thread :x
  12. Andres ellingsen

    Whats going on guys?!

    haha, I was pretty sure I didnt ;)
  13. Andres ellingsen

    Whats going on guys?!

    hahaha, forget the question then! I just had to come up with something to put in the post god damnit! Just tell me welcome and GTFO! :fuuu:
  14. Andres ellingsen

    Whats going on guys?!

    haha, thanks ! I found it a while back, and it has been my steam avatar since then!
  15. Andres ellingsen

    Whats going on guys?!

    now you made me curious !